Joseph Beuys
Links: wikipedia biography , English Version
In his times Beuys was enabled to plant young germs which grow up until today and unfold their strength further into the future. His life and work is an immense inspiration.
In his work Joseph Beuys tried to put together our shattered existence of nature, myth, science and everyday life again as one. In He gives us an idea of of entirety. His thinking that every person is an artist , calls us to be responsible for our action. He has extended art by the concept of warmth within his concept of the " social plastic ".
He saw his ideas not as subjective inventions, but as scientific principles in the area of social life. With the foundation of the party for " Direct democracy by Plebiscite ", the " Free University for Interdisciplinary Research " (FIU) and projects like " 7000 oaks", "Honey Pump at the Workplace " and the cofoundation of the " Green Party", Beuys transformed his ideas into practise.
In the fiftiesth Beuys main focus lay on drawings, but soon he enlarged the width of his creating on all available media of his time, with the purpose to make a change from numb form to creatively, lively form. In his studies in the fields of Nature, Mind life, Economic life and Legal life his activities refer to a pedagogic new whole, the world as a whole piece of art.
The search for the whole person forms the basis of the work of Beuys. " Art as a realisation of the human being to do good as a realisation of human freedom. "
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