Joseph BeuysSocial Plastic
Beuys gave determining suggestions to the reorganisation of the cultural and social life as well as for the economy.
With his foundation of the > Free International University <(FIU) he wanted to create the culture of the next century, because he saw the contemporaries as. " ... more and more alienates from their life, from their job, from their innner powers, from their creativity." Beuys told his position in the conversation with Louwrin Wijers on the 3rd June, 1980 in Duesseldorf. In the farther course of the conversation Beuys " says that is in the workplaces at the hospital, in the industry, at the railways, at the university, this new concep of creativity should has to be there, so to speak which has, however, one should understands this system. This is the "anthropological art concept" to say, also entitled: Every person is an artist.Nevertheless, I do not say: Every person can be Rembrandt. "
Beuys understands our society in all its facets as a reality which has to be formed artistically . This formative attempt for a > sculpture for the future < Beuys calls > social plastic <.
- Harlan,Rappmann,Schata >Soziale Plastik< Materialien zu Joseph Beuys, Achberger Verlag.
- Joseph Beuys:>Reden über das eigene Land<,C BertelsmannVerlag,München.,1985 - Neu erschienen als >Sprechen über Deutschland< im FIU-Verlag
- FIU-Kassel (Hrsg.)>Die unsichtbare Skulptur<,UrachausVerlag, 1989
- Johannes Stüttgen>Der plastische Umstülpungsvorgang<,FIU-Verlag, Wangen ,1993
- Johannes Stüttgen: Über Joseph Beuys und jeden Menschen,das Erdtelephon und zwei Wolkenkratzer; über 7000 Eichen, 7000 Steine und ein schwarzes Loch, Seite 20ff ,FIU-Verlag, 1982
- Johannes Stüttgen:>"Dann schneiden Sie mal ein Stück davon ab, dann ist sie nicht mehr ganz!"< Verlag Buchhandlung König,Köln,1990
- Johannes Stuttgen: >Zeitstau- Im Kraftfeld des erweiterten Kunstbegriffs von Joseph Beuys< Urachhaus, 1988
- Wijers, Louwrien >Writing as Sculpture -1978-1987< Academy Editions,GB,1996- ISBN 185490 184 2
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