Joseph BeuysJosephBeuysArchive


>Joseph Beuys Archive , County of NRW < within >Foundation Museum Moyland Castle , Van der Grinten Collection <

Adress: Am Schloß 4 /47551 Bedburg-Hau/ Tel.02824/9510-0 Fax.02824-9510-99 Visitorinformationen: Tel.02824/9510-66/
direct link: Joseph Beuys Archiv Moyland

" The Joseph Beuy's archive is a connected component of the endowment Museum Castle Moyland and at the same time run by a co-operative agreement as a research institute of the Academy of Arts Duesseldorf in which Joseph Beuys taught for more than ten years as a professor for monumental sculpture.

Museum Castle Moyland is the most extensive Beuys archive worldwide , approx. 100,000 pieces about the life and work of Joseph Beuys is kept in the archive, is worked on and continuously extended. A documentation net which ties together these systematised archive supplies with each other informs extensively about the biography of the artist, about exhibits of his works or about publications which refer to Joseph Beuys.

The archive is divided into the following main focuses:

Topical press reports,

Handwritten manuscripts,

Correspondence to Joseph Beuys

Printed matter of different kind


The archive is available to all who are interested in Joseph Beuys and his work. The museum disposes a public library.