
Joseph BeuysPictures


Beuys - About Pictures


A part of the beuysian Ouvre are drawings, watercolours and oilcolours also stain and floor colour, furniture polish, liquid fat, blood and other substances to generate the picture. He used also postcards, posters, photographs, films and videos in his work.

Beuys said about his drawings : " ... this question of " drawing on paper " it is too late, I could not say anything reasonable about it."

(Beuys in the conversation with Louwrin Wijers,Duesseldorf,June,1980).

In the drawings as materialisings of the thought the forces become perceptible . This view finds its supplement in the thinking that the idea which forms the matter, has an effect back on the viewer. The choice of the picture-generating substance is vital for the integration of the forces of creation.


Within the creation the question positions itself. Beuys grants formative priority for the concept of freedom. "People must perceive these pictures anyway with the ear, otherwise they will not see them." J.B.




> Joseph Beuys- Drawings 1947-59 <, SchirmerVerlag, Cologne, 1972

> Joseph Beuys-The secret block for a secret person in Ireland <Oxford, museum of Modern Art Oxford, 1974,

> Joseph Beuys - Watercolors <, Propyläen, 1975

> Joseph Beuys - Oil paints <,

> Joseph Beuys - Postcards <, ed. Gold-Baumannn-Hensch, edition Braus, Heidelberg, 1998

> Joseph Beuys - Sculptural pictures 1947-1970 <, Gerd HatjeVerlag, Stuttgart, 1991